West Suburban YMCA fires employee after child pornography arrest

The West Suburban YMCA, with two locations in Newton, has fired an employee who was recently arrested on child pornography charges.

Over the weekend, Auburn police announced that on June 20, they had arrested Wildreen Montano, 42, of Auburn, for possession and distribution of child pornography after a lengthy investigation and the execution of a search warrant at Montano’s home.

Auburn police were assisted by the state police Crime Against Children Task Force, according to a statement by the Auburn Police Department.

“The Massachusetts State Police provided on-site digital evidence examination and also provided a police K-9 specially trained to detect the presence of digital storage devices within the residence,” the statement reads.

Montano was arraigned in Worcester District Court and held on $10,040 bail, the police statement continues, but that bail was reduced to $2000.

In a letter to YMCA members, YMCA COO Kimberly Benzan said that the pornographic images on Montano’s electronic devices did not depict children from the YMCA.

“It is important to note that this former employee’s role did not involve direct interaction with YMCA youth or members,” Benzan wrote. “At this time, there is absolutely no indication that any of the youth depicted are from our YMCA or the local community. When we learned of his arrest, we immediately terminated his employment.”