Why Are There So Many Turkeys? (Talking All Things Turkey)


The native turkeys we currently see in such abundance were extirpated from Massachusetts not so long ago. Their revival is a true success story, unless you’ve tangled with an aggressive one. Join Newton Conservator’s Barbara Bates as she explores the habits and natural & cultural history of this interesting bird, including “pecking order” and how...


Rodenticides in Birds of Prey in Massachusetts


Some rodenticides (rodent poisons) have the ability to bioaccumulate in the food chain and can potentially affect a predator or scavenger that ingests an animal that consumed the poison bait. In this talk, Dr. Murray will present the findings of her research investigating exposure to rodenticides in four species of birds of prey in Massachusetts....


Sensory Processing in Children: How Parents Can Help


Understanding Our Differences will present this informative evening webinar on Wednesday Oct. 18 at 7PM. Advance registration required. Everything we do as human beings is dependent on our brains perceiving, interpreting and organizing the sensory information that surrounds us. Like many human abilities, this sensory processing can be variable, and impact the ease and success...
