Letter to the Editor: Humphrey will champion progressive vision

I am writing in strong support of Bill Humphrey for State Representative in the 12th Middlesex District.

I have worked with Bill for the last ten years on a number of local and statewide campaigns, often focused on supporting public education and strengthening school funding. During these years, he has become a trusted colleague and a good friend.

I believe that Bill is one of the best Newton councilors in terms of constant contact and communication with his district. Even those constituents and others in the community who may not agree with his politics always respect his hard work and willingness to discuss the major issues of the day openly. His newsletter is a stellar example of his belief in clear communication and explanation of complex issues.

Bill is intelligent, deeply respectful, and thoughtful. He listens to residents’ stories and has long standing experience working with leaders on issues at the state level, as evidenced by his diverse organizational endorsements. These alliances will enable him to hit the ground running as a champion for his constituents with his progressive, inclusive vision for our commonwealth.
Susan Davidoff